Our club's addresses: rotarylawrence@gmail.com, and Lawrence Rotary Club, P.O. Box 442162, Lawrence, KS 66044, are addresses through which you can contact our club president or any other club officer or committee chair with comments, questions, suggestions, to request a leave of absence, or if you find you must resign from the club (although we hope that never happens!). The mailboxes are checked each business day.
Our Rotary club is on Facebook, Instagram and X. The e-mail address is rotarylawrence@gmail.com On Facebook, see www.facebook.com/lawrencerotary On Instagram, see https://www.instagram.com/lawrenceks_rotary_club/ On X, see https://x.com/rotary_lawrence
All prospective members may attend Rotary meetings with their sponsor at no charge to the sponsor. Please note on the Guest Sign-In Sheet that your guest is a prospective member, to avoid being billed for his/her meal.
Leaves of absence may be requested if you will be unable to attend club meetings for a minimum of six weeks in a row, for up to six months. If approved by the club's Board of Directors, you will continue to be billed quarterly for dues, but will not be billed for meals during the leave period. To request a leave, contact the club by email or post, at the addresses listed above.